

Monthly Support

Your monthly support helps us to provide salaries for our teaching staff as well as food, supplies and education for the children.

Currently we support a number of orphans and children. There are many more villages and families awaiting the opportunity to join CLAP and this is solely dependent on space and funding.

If you are able and willing to come on board with our many partners to see this vision fulfilled and these children supported you can follow the link below.


Shekinah High school and Trades center

Canadian Leadership Assistance Program continues to need ongoing financial support for the continued development of the High School program. Future building projects in order of priority - approximate cost for the first five listed = $14,000.00:

  • Four new toilets

  • Two bathing rooms

  • New beds for the dormitories

  • New desks for the classrooms

  • Retaining walls to protect from Spring run off

  • Security fence around the property

  • An administrative/first aid center

  • A training center for trades and agriculture programs


skill training materials (Hoping to meet these needs at a later date)

Carpentry Material: to allow the youth to learn these skills and provide a better way to build for their families and communities.

Agriculture: Purchasing of land for the purpose of establishing an agriculture program to provide food supplies for the schools and villages.

Training in technology and other trades